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A skewed of Bias: Condition where
courses are not square with wale lines on knit.
Barrie: Occurs in circular knit. Caused by mixing yarn on feed into machine. Fabric will appear to have horizontal streaks.
Broken color pattern: Usually caused by color yarn out of place on frame.
Crease Streak : Occurs in tubular knits. Results from creased fabric passing through squeeze rollers in the dyeing process.
Drop stitches: Results from malfunctioning needle or Jack. Will appear as holes, or missing stitches.End out : Occurs in warp knit. Results from knitting Machine continuing to run with missing end.Hole: Caused by broken needle.
Barrie: Occurs in circular knit. Caused by mixing yarn on feed into machine. Fabric will appear to have horizontal streaks.
Broken color pattern: Usually caused by color yarn out of place on frame.
Crease Streak : Occurs in tubular knits. Results from creased fabric passing through squeeze rollers in the dyeing process.
Drop stitches: Results from malfunctioning needle or Jack. Will appear as holes, or missing stitches.End out : Occurs in warp knit. Results from knitting Machine continuing to run with missing end.Hole: Caused by broken needle.
Missing Yarn: Occurs in warp knit.
Results from wrong fiber yarn (or wrong size yarn) placed on warp. Fabric could
appear as thick end or different color if fibers have different affinity for
Mixed Yarn: Occurs in warp knit.
Result from wrong fiber yarn (or wrong size yarn) placed on warp. Fabric could
appear as thick end or different color if fibers have different affinity for
Needle Line: Caused by bent needle
forming distorted stitches. Usually vertical line.
Pin Holes: Holes along selvage
caused by pins holding fabric while it processes through stenter frame. Major
if pin holes extend into body of fabric far enough to be visible in the
finished product.
Press-Off: When all or some of
the needles on circular knitting fail to function and fabric either falls off
the machine or design is completely disrupted or destroyed. Many knitting
needles are broken and have to be replaced when bad press-off occurs. Bad
press-off usually start a new roll of fabric.
Runner: Usually caused by broken needle, will appear as vertical line. (Most of the machines have a stopping device to stop machine when a needle breaks)
Sanforize Pucker: From ueeven wetting out on sanforize; usually caused by defective spray heads. Fabric will appear wavy of puckering when spreads on cutting table. Difficult to detect during inspection on inspection Machine with fabric under roller tension.
Slub (knit Fabric) : Usually caused by thick or heavy place in yarn, or by ling getting onto yarn feeds.